
26 June 2005


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03 June 2005

Article in Question/Topic of Discussion

(NY Times, 2 June 2005 Title: From Stem Cell Opponents, an Embryo Crusade)
I was reading someone’s journal, and did (most of this) posting as a response (comment) to their original posting.

"Then, most of the 13 embryos proved unviable, and one round of embryo implantation failed before she finally had a successful pregnancy using the final embryo."
-I would have to agree with you - I think that we should call the DA and report her.
Oh and these two together really got to me too:
"Randy and Julie McClure had three children who were long out of diapers and no plans for more..."We really felt like the Lord was calling us to try to give one of these embryos, these children, a chance to live," Ms. McClure said."
What about all of the children that are already born here in the states (and else where) and need good homes? You feel called by the lord to help out, and have no desire to have kids in diapers - maybe part of the problem is the fact that many of them are NOT WHITE? “Couples adopting or donating Snowflakes embryos are mostly Christian, and most embryo donors are white, Ms. Maze said.”
Why these "children"? Is it because you are convinced that no conservative christian would/could ever have a child that could be "morally corrupt" or something like that? WTF?
Oh, and one of the best lines: “Couples must agree to adoption-like procedures: receiving families are screened and must undergo counseling, and Snowflakes allows donating and receiving families to designate criteria for each other, meet and maintain contact after birth. Adopting couples must agree not to abort any embryos. Those conditions were fine with Bob and Angie Deacon of Virginia Beach, Va., who donated their 13 embryos after having twins and being discouraged from another pregnancy by a doctor. "With another program, to be honest with you, they could have been adopted by lesbian parents, and I'm totally against that," said Mr. Deacon, 35.”
Noooooooooooooooo! Oh My! God Forbid that we would allow gays around our children, or as they do in some states – adopt children. I think that maybe the administration should make women take a polygraph when birth certificates are being filled out to make sure that a. the parents are not gay, b. that they are not friends with gays. I mean we all know that people who are gay are just sick, sick, sick people who prey on small children. After all, we all know that straight christens would NEVER harm a child! I mean it is not like there are any cases out there…it is all those gays out there that cause the trouble, right? Now question to ponder that has come up in discussions of friends before: If the child that they did have via this method (so that the embryo could be “saved”) happened to be either gay or gay friendly would that mean that maybe the embryo (now child) was a mistake?

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