
31 October 2003

About last night... 

Ummm...We did have a good time and everyone went home happy (for one reason or another). I ended up going home and going to bed (Granted it was 2:00 am when we got in!). In my lab we have a strict policy that what happens outside of the lab is separate from actual work. After last night, it is a very good thing, not that one cannot be teased about what happened outside of the lab when we are in the lab, but nothing is held against you...Like I said before...It is a very good policy to have...Otherwise wonderboy and I would be in big trouble, granted myself more than him, but still...I just have to find those pictures and burn all evidence of what happened! :)
Tonight is homecoming, I am not sure how I feel about going out tonight...I am looking forward to seeing some people but I have that fear that I will running into a few people that I could have never seen again and been very happy.
I have gotten all dressed up for the day, and have been told by everyone that I look very cute. I went with the whole black and Orange theme, while one of my co-workers (the MD-Ph.D. Student) got dressed up as a woman, and is way too comfy in pantyhose.
I cannot believe that soon I will have to give Kate back to TX...But I am sure that we will have some more memorable moments before she goes...
off to finish my WIP for Wednesday!

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