
27 October 2003

Just another Manic Monday..... 

Oh how I wish it were Sunday, as that's my packing day....
Sorry...too much packing, no time...But I must give BIG props to Melissa is who from this point on will be known as the Packing Queen! Thank you SO much for all of your help on Saturday!
This weeks schedule...(and what is up with the way the English say that word...try saying it like they do when you are trashed...not fun...). Also, remember that I will working my normal crazy hours while all of this is going on...
Monday: make a large pot of sauce for Wednesday's project, finish packing/cleaning out the hall closet, and clean.
Tuesday: Pick up Kate from BWI (we may or may not end up at the Drag Races on 17th Street...after all I really do not think that Dallas has them, we'll wait to see how kate's ears feel when she gets off the plane....
Wednesday:Dinner...Jeanie may or may not come over, we'll see, make all of the food for Saturday's dinner party....Dave - remember what you have promised me!!!!
Thursday:Keroke with my lab group and others...Dangerous.....very dangerous...very worried about...Worried even more that some one may end up taking pictures and passing them around at work...I am glad that the camcorder is well packed away at this point...
Friday:Dinner with a bunch of people, off to the bars...etc...the usual stuff that is expected for homecoming...facing people that you wish HAD fallen off the face of the EARTH...
Saturday:Moving Day...that starts at 12:00 noon, and the dinner party starts at 7:30 pm, at the NEW place!!!
Sunday:Mary Kay party, cleaning up the old place, and out with Allison who will be in from AZ!!! WEEE!!!!
Monday:Off from work, Kate Leaves :( and then my very exciting doctors appointment!

For as excited as I am to see Kate and am looking forward to all of the events of the coming week, I think that I am looking forward to sitting down on Sunday night (in my new place!) and having a glass of wine with Kate and just enjoying the silence that our friendship allows us to have. As so many things can just be felt and not spoken...just hopefully of silence will not be from the fact that both of us have fallen asleep and spilled wine all over the new carpet.

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