
22 October 2003

Long day... 

So I got to work here nice and early to find that the internet was down....
As the big boss said "What did we ever do before the internet?" One of the other grad students and I looked at one another and said "Work!"....Our wonder boy was put out by the lack of internet as well...

... We said good-bye to a co-worker this morning, she is leaving for a new and fun job, which in someways is sad, as I will miss her. She and I (usually) are the first ones in the morning, everyone else comes in at about 9:30am, so we just had a few hours to ourselves, catching up, chatting about different things and getting all of our work done. Now, I no longer have my morning buddy! :( It is one of those situations where you are happy because someone will be learning more things and getting a chance to better themselves, but there is a part of you that wants them to stay because you like working with them and they are fun! But at least saying good bye, I love this lab, but sometimes, it does not matter how many cookies people bribe you with, there is only so long that people can sit and re-analyze GMSA's....(if you don;t know what this is, let me know and I'll explain the whole thing)...But the long and the short of it is, that reading a GMSA is not just a science, it is an art as well...

...Tonight I have to really think about how to start boxing up my place. I am very overwhelmed at the fact that I have about 1.5 weeks to pack up my half of the place...Dave has moved out his things, but every once in awhile I find something of his, and get all weepy...I really enjoyed my time with him. He and I were talking about that last night when he dropped Kevin off, as I have Kevin for a bit until he gets in own place. Kevin is OVERLY excited about helping me pack up my stuff...kind of scary I must say...but anyway, back to Dave and I. Before living with Dave, I did not know that one could actually live with a person for 2 years, and not get into an argument! Dave and I had a few moments where we would get on one another nerves a bit, but we never had harsh words or upsets...Hopefully I'll have that same type of luck living by myself. ;)

...Back to analyzing all of my data...

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