
23 October 2003


(Sorry Guys, Girl ranting!)
The joys of being a female are what again? I hate this...I cannot wait until I go back to the doctor (the evil on as many females refer too the OB/GYN). I however, like going to that doctor, as they give me nice meds. and make the pain go away for months at a time. (I will say that I am really NOT a fan of the whole exam thing, but to get rid of the "curse", I'll do it).
The last place that I worked did not allow my medical insurance, for which I paid a decent amount of money for every month I must say, to cover birth control as it was against their mission. Now I will willing say that yes, many people do use birth control pills for birth control, but there are many others that uses for birth control for other things, such as to control pain that they normally would have when they get their periods. No, I would much rather have women on birth control to make it so that they do not have to take strong drugs such as Vicoden, Ultram, etc... But did this thought process work at my last place of employment? NO! Even with a doctors note saying that the woman needed to be put on birth control to control heavy/irregular bleeding, pain, etc they still would not allow the insurance to pay for the pill as someone MAY use it as birth control...Damn...But I must say that I am very thankful for nice doctors and rich pharm. Companies that give out lots of free samples! Thankfully the place that I work at now does cover my birth control....I wonder if I had agreed to having my legs sown shut if they would have paid for the birth control? I'll have to sugest that to friends of mine that still work there...
Only a week and a half until I get my new meds! Yea!!!!
Happy days will be here again! :)

p.s. as I was doing spell check it wanted to replace "pharm" with "porn"! Ha Ha!!!

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