
24 October 2003

That was a close one! 

So, my boss told me on Monday that he would be out of the lab on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (in my head I still think T, R, & F from my class schedule in college). So I got in this morning, puttered around...Went down to find out if my newly designed boxes for arranging cells in liquid N2 (LN2) would work (inother words would the box not be eaten by the LN2) and then came back to my lab...Imagine the look on my face when I walked in and found that my boss was here! YIKES!
Yeah, And I could think about was how this morning I did not feel well at all (still got that case of the crampy yicks!) and I had a thought (for just for about a second, of course) about calling in sick and just staying at home bonding with the heating pad, as it has been almost a month since I have really spent time with it, after all. But then I thought, I do not want everyone in the lab (including the REALLY BIG BOSS) thinking that I am playing hookie as my direct boss was off....Boy am I glad that I came in today...the heating pad will have to just wait until I get home!

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