
04 November 2003


I am worn out.
I cannot go on anymore.
But, there are still boxes and boxes of things every where!
At least the moving is all done and I have finished cleaning the old place and have turned in the keys...Dave and I just have to wait to hear what they want to charge us with now. :(
Would you believe that they made me wash the windows before I left, I really hope that they were talking about the inside windows as I would not have climbed out the window to clean them, as the apartment was on the 5th floor and I hate heights...
I have finished my hand outs for the WIP in the morning! It has been approved by Phil, and he at least seems happy with it.
Kate has gone. :(
I miss her already. I was not really use to sleeping in my bed alone last night after having her here for a week. But, I have already talked to her a few times. I was asked by someone if I thought if Kate and I would cut down on the phoning now that we have spent a week together, I said that I did not think so, if anything the past week has encouraged us to chat more by making us use to having the other one around. :)
So, in the week I have to make sure that I get things unpack and put away as the boxes are driving me mad and there are other things to do besides unpacking!

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