
24 November 2003


I am going to head home soon as I still have the numbness and am in much need of a break if I am going to get everything done that I need to!
My father et al. will be staying at my place (without me) over the holiday as they travel back up to Canada from Fl...
I am cooking dinner tonight for Nick, Abby and Lara...
Work EARLY in the morning and then over to Dave and Patrick's to show Patrick how to make stuffing for thanksgiving...We are not saying anything about this - although Dave's father now thinks that I have to get married and settle down (around here of course) as he was a bit put off when I told him that I was not cooking thanksgiving dinner for him - he thought that I would be...I am sure that Patrick's turkey will be fine- I have given him detailed written instructions on how/when to cook it for everyone!

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