
17 November 2003

I'm in love...and a new feature! 

I am in love with my new brother!
He is just too cute and so wonderful!
But I will admit that I would have loved to have that copper coloured hair that he has...But oh well...Women pay lots of money to just come close to that colour...I am going to try to figure out how to post a picture of him up...

But other than seeing my brother this weekend, not too much happened. Got to see my Father and Carolyn (of course- what's a 6.5 week baby going to do, drive himself?) which was nice and they left (and took Zachary away with them, damn them!) early Sunday afternoon and Melissa came over for a bit and we did some therapy shopping...Always a good idea when boys are mean and then KD came over for dinner. It was a nice weekend, but needless to say, not much got done in putting things away (well, my room is not put in order, but there are still a few boxes left around the living room...) or in the way of sleep...I am hoping that I am able to catch up on sleep some time soon...

Also, if you would please, there is a guest map, so you can mark where you are and who you are! I have to thank Zoe who's blog I came across for the map...

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