
11 November 2003

A new (found) blog and other stuff... 

Who would have thought...

This ad was pointed out to me by a co-worker, who is a Catholic. What then started was a long talk about RCC and its take on things that are happening in the world. She is from Argentina, where EVERYONE is a RC...And no one would think of saying anything against the Church in public.
It was funny that she point this out to me, as just this morning on NPR they were talking about how a bishop from TX wants to start a new rule for anyone that is in office. If you are a RC, and you do not state that you are pro-life and do everything that you can do to protect life, then the Church can ex-communicate you and barred from church property...

Oh, and now, both bosses have left for the day...big boss said good bye, the the direct boss left with out a word...

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