
20 November 2003


So, Rana just e-mailed me, She cannot go out after work today. :(
On to the PSA - I got my new additions of the MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - A publication of the CDC) - and I am so excited to read as this weeks topic is "Primary and Secondary Syphilis - United States, 2002"
Over all, just from the tables, the rates have gone up -Total number of cases in 2001 - 6,301 (2.2 rate) and in 2002 it was 6,862 (2.4 Rate)!
The top three cities are:
NYC: 435 Case (27.5 Male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)
LA: 359 Cases (19.2 Male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)
Chicago: 353 Cases (7.7 male to Female Rate Ratio of Infection)

If anyone would like more information including your city (if listed) - let me know!

yes...I am a nerd...

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