
07 November 2003

So long clinical trials! 

So I got up this morning, made it to the NIH by 6:55, including my lovely check in at the door, and was ready to start the clinical trails for MVA...I ended up getting kicked out as the person who inti. Interviewed me did not follow proper protocol...But at least I will get paid for coming in this morning. :)
No real plans for the weekend, just putting things away and getting rid of all of those damn boxes! To be free of boxes, how wonderful. I think that I'll also have to take a nap on couch in my new place, just so that it gets that nicely broken in feeling. A place is not home until you take a nap where ever you want!

On a personal note -- Kate, what good would it do for my back to have the air massaged around me? ;)

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