
06 November 2003

Songs and other things... 

Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Don't come back another day!
We've had too much,
We're much too wet,
Rain, Rain, Go Away!!!

So my back is in pain. I am in need a good rub down. But sadly, funds are short, and I cannot afford to the salon for a nice massage!
It was pointed out to me that I could always check out
  • what use to be none of the above

  • I can just say that I hope that either myself or my back never get to the point where I would have to contact one of these people for "free services"....I think that it goes too show what kind of freaky people we have here in DC... ;) I think that I may just hang out on my heating pad and hopefully that will help, damn moving! I am not planning on moving again for a very LONG time!!!

    So, I got my flu shot today, it went pretty well. In the morning I have my testing for the clinical trial and then it unpacking boxes, all weekend long. Let me know if you want to help out!

    Kate -
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