
10 November 2003

Time keeping sucks... 

So even if I wait until 7:00 pm to leave, I still owe 10 hours this week.
Now, sorry for all of you that live out in the "non-lab" world. I spend weeks upon weeks in the lab with out much of a break. And then I weeks like this where the world has decided to slow down...It has gotten really slow for me here right now...But in the morning, I am re-starting up all of my cultures...Joy of joys...which means that once again I will be working crazy 10 - 12 hour days!
I would like some time to just enjoy that slow time, take some hours off, clean, get to know the bed and the cat again...But no...I still have to be here at least 43.5 hours a week (8 hours a day, plus 0.5 hours a day for lunch, and it does not mater if I take lunch or not, I am charged for it...Damn them..).
I hate the fact that I work under a federal contact (grant) but I do not get federal holidays off...It seems a bit unfair to me...What do others have to say? Why can we not get both federal and institutional holidays? WHY I ASK YOU!?!?

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