
29 November 2003

The weekend 

So I have had my first thanksgiving without Turkey...We had grilled tenderloin...I am still not sure how I feel about that...
We'll be blasting off for NYC at lunch time on Saturday...Hopefully I'll be able to see Jules, I have been banned for playing in the city by Elisabeth as I am there to "see family not hang out with your friends in one of the worst cities in the world!"...But could Elisabeth say no to the same general area?
Don't Answer That!!!
Ahhh...Only a few more days until I am back in D.C....
I waited around all day today to go to the store as Elisabeth kept on saying that she wanted to go too, but kept on calling people and doing other things, which was fine, but I just wanted to pick up a few things at the drug store..So much for those plans...

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