
28 December 2003

Ahh..The joys of traveling over the holidays! But at least I am back in the city and all is well. There are to be some wonderful shoes sales, now the question of the hour - how much to spend...I really need a new pair of black heels as two pairs of main have now died (or at least are on their way to dying).
I have two cats and one dog for the time being - the cats are not crazy about one another but tend to just hiss and then ignore one another. The Dog on the other hand seems to be a sore spot for Burt. But at least the doggie cannot get to him...But you know Burt - he does not trust the doggie...I think it is actually a fear on Burt's part that the doggie will eat his food and steal his bed....
It is back to work for me in the morning - I am looking forward to checking in on my cells and experiments...But in the mean time - I am off to walk the doggie!

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