
09 December 2003

Around and about -  

Please Note - the weekend update is still coming!

“Have you outstript the rest? are you the President?” W. Whitman “Song of Myself”

College - that was then and this is now. I think that it is a very safe and true statement to make. I find it funny though, that some people are unable to let go of the past. I am friends with people that I have chosen. I have had to cut people out of my life due to their unhealthy obsessions and personalities. I find it sad that they are more than willing to take others down with them. But then again – those that are weak will usually follow someone of a more dominate personality that act like they know what they are doing when they themselves are just going to hell in a hand basket.

So – I found someone from college’s journal – in October – in a forward. Now this person that I am speaking of is not a nice person. I would even go as far as to say that she has a toxic personality. She has one desire in the world - and that is to bring others down into her own misery. In a way, I cannot say that I really blame her for the way she is – she is a product, after all, of the environment that she has grown up in. She has been encouraged and coddled into believing that it is her will or nothing else.

For a while there I tried to see the best in her – and in the end I found that I was becoming someone that I did not like. Someone that could no longer see the wonderful and beautiful things that the world has to offer – I could only see the bad. I was becoming someone that wanted to cause pain to others – as this person pointed out my own imperfections on a daily basis. I ended that relationship a while ago, and I am grateful everyday.

Yesterday - I was directed to an entry yesterday, one line into really got to me but not the way that you may think. I will state maybe I am thinking too highly of myself, but from those that we still have in common, I tend to think not.
“…I have found the blog of a former friend/current nemesis.” - Person’s Website.
Okay people we are how old? Are we back in junior high? Are we still insecure about everything? I think so! Nemesis? I laughed so hard when I read this. I almost fell of my lab chair (and it is pretty high off the ground)! I find it to be further proof that some people are just so unhappy in their present life that they have no recourse but to think about things such as this. I hate to break it to you – I really enjoyed reading that entry yesterday as it just shows that while you may be older than me, you are not wiser or more mature. Okay Batman! Will you now be using your super powers to stun me? Or would you rather have an X-files type of set up? I do have to say that Mulder and Scully would have been disappointed that their informant had been holding out on them for so long.

Yes, I will admit, you have come up as a topic of discussion – it is usually because others are forced and dragged out with you and they are in need of major therapy after such said event. I hate to be the one to break it to you; many people are not friends with you because they like you. They are just people that would rather deal with you every once in awhile rather than deal with the ramifications of your so-called wrath or they are just very lonely and are looking for a leader – not a friend. If you want to surround yourself with people like this and not help them to become better people – go ahead. I hope that you are very happy. I on the other hand am too busy earning my Ph.D. (a degree that is actually worth something, as was my undergrad degree), spending time with wonderful friends, and breaking the hearts of the boys (you know - the ones that are straight and not planning on dedicating their lives to God) in the city.
I hope that you have fun and enjoy the ramifications of the life that you are leading. I also pray (as does almost every person that I have spoken to) for the children that will be subjected to your ideas. We only hope that God grants those poor children strength.

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