
02 December 2003

Back to work 

So I am now back at work...
I am so not ready...
I had a good weekend over all, saw LOTS of family, but did not meet up with Jules.
She called me, I called her back, asked her is she wished to come over, and never heard back from her...Could my family have really scared her off...
Mag and I had a nice long chat about the need for me to have a better social life (her idea, not mine)...I told her that I have friends to hang out with etc, but then she and Helene decided to chat with me about the need to find someone for me to settle down with...Maybe it was better that Jules did not call back otherwise she may have had to deal with the lecture too!
Burt is very happy to have me back, now. At first he was all over KD when she dropped me off, but once he realized that she was gone and it was me or no one for affection, he warmed right back up...And of course he woke me up nice and early this morning...
I may be going out with Rana after work, I am awaiting her phone call...
I have 5 days worth of papers to read...
Rent to pay...
bills to pay...
yes it is back to the grind...

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