
22 December 2003

Bad Kitten! 

So I found out tonight that Burt (the Cat) knows how to growl. Yes - my cat makes a noise that I thought dog usually do. I had to take Burt over to Phil's place so that he could check it out and meet Phil and Bill's (yes, their names rhyme) pets. They have a brown/black lab and a older cat. Burt went wild...The dog (Dusty) just wanted to play, well needless to say Burt was not having it and as far as the other cat went - Burt just wanted to go home. Oh well...At least I know that while staying there while Burt may make some odd noises, it is not like he'll end up killing the other pets...Now I just have to figure out when I'll leave to go home to PA.
There will not really be anything published on either blog on Tuesday as I am Guest Hosting Brian's "Tales of the City" - I am very excited about this...

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