
30 December 2003

Damn it is almost the final day of the year! I have to figure out if I am going to go out with Jeanie tonight to pick up our tickets for New Years or if I'll just ask her (or Melissa) to do it for me as I am feeling a bit under the weather this morning...I hope that this is not the start of a real illness!
The kitties have decided that that no longer just want their two rooms, they want the whole house! I woke up this morning to find Tabbitha out of her area and started to worry a bit. She is getting to be an old lady and does not see that well anymore. I looked every where upstairs to find her and could not, and of course The doggie was following me every where...So I just said to her "Where's Tabbitha? Do you know where Tabbitha is? And down the stairs she went. At first I thought that it was just that the doggie wanted me to feed her, but then she started to whimper and was going up and down the stairs, so I followed her down. Doggie got to the bottom of the stairs before me and all I could see was her whole back end shaking and movin'. Right in front of doggie when I dot down stairs was Tabbitha and Burt! They were hanging out under the X-mas tree. Now the question is, did the doggie really understand what I was asking her or was she just excited as she thought that it was food time and that the Kitties might decide to play with her?

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