
18 December 2003

Going, going, gone... 

The lecture was not as great I would have hoped, but then again he is from Bush's committee on Ethics...(Yes, Kate, I know that was a very cheap shot!)....I ended up making a list of the things that I need to get done before Tuesday when I go home to PA...Which made me decide that I am going to pack up my things and head over the river into Virginia - yes even farther south then I would like to be, but oh well...At least I can hit up one Mall and get everything that I'll need to finish up my shopping for right now.
It is then back up North (we'll as far north as one can get on the Metro) and to the food store...

Okay another random point about the spell check here- BlogSpot has Verizon in its spell check...Just more proof that Verizon is the devil...

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