
03 December 2003

Home again, home again... 

So I am planning on taking the 7:20 bus to the metro - where I can then hope on the metro and the walk home...
Home - that place really needs to get cleaned up...This weekend! Yes, in addition to the two parties that I am going to, cooking and then bringing food to and brunch with Rana (we'll see about that...) on Sunday, in addition to a bunch of others things that need my attention...There should be lots of free time for me to clean up the whole place...Right...
If you disagree, do not even bother talking to me again....

So, Lara and I am going to going the G-town law school theater group. (anyone can join - even people that graduated g-town law years ago still do it!) I have said (Lara is signing me up to do the make-up crew - as I did in high school. (Hey! I was the Make-up Chief/Director...And our plays were well reviewed by all of the paper and news outlets! - did you really think that a bunch of prep school kids' parents would have it any other way?) Lara and I talked about it this morning on the train - we both like theater and it will be a way for us to meet more people our age (around our age, etc) in D.C.

Off to feed the baby!

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