
18 December 2003


I finally have a sequence that works.
Not all over them worked, but most of them did at least.
I am going to a lecture on the Ethics of Using Stem Cells in research in a bit.
I love going to talks on ethics.
It does not matter if I agree with them - there is always that point at the end when you can go in for the kill...
I think that it is kind of like my love of ice hockey.
I am not a violent person by nature, but it is one of those things - seeing people in animal like situations - watching vomit and blood bounce on ice...
Let the games begin!
In other news, I may be guest blogging for Brian the 646 Guy over the holidays...
I figure that keeping up with 3 blogs should keep me busy over the holiday...
on an off note - one would think that the spell check feature on BlogSpot would know the work "blog"...

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