
08 January 2004

I am back now after having been out sick yesterday - or as Rana would say I had a case of death. I called in to let the lab know that I would be out - and wonder boy told me that the incubator with all of my work was going down...I thought about coming in - but I figured that if my cells went down - I really did not need to see it and my lab did not have to see me cry over cells again....I am feeling much better today after having slept pretty much the whole day yesterday. Burt took naps with me all day - he would even give me a few "feel better soon - but go back to sleep now" licks when I would wake up to drink some water or juice! He was a very bad boy this morning when I tried to leave for work - he escaped about 3 times - but there were lots of little kids around and he knows that they are always a source of "pets" and usually snackies too...
Oh and now wonder boy is home today with his own case of death thanks to me...And the cells are fine - it ended up being a bad conection on the CO2 tanks- the cells were getting their required CO2 - just not at a pressure that a part of the incubator could "see"...

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