
10 January 2004


I love naps.

I really love naps!

I have noticed a major problem since starting to work full time being a grad student - the lack of naps. (I have been told though that grad students in other disciplines are able to take naps...Maybe I'll have to rethink this whole Ph.D. topic that I have picked...I know one person with their masters that got to go study n a nice warm island in the carbiban...)

On weekends or days off, I wake up early in the morning even when the alarm is shut off. No longer am I able to sleep to at least noon. I wake up by 9:00 am, at the latest. I have decided, it is sad when you start thinking of 9:00 am as sleeping in.

No longer is it acceptable to blow off classes mid afternoon because you feel like a nap.

No longer is it acceptable to make your class schedule so that you have a break mid afternoon for a nap.

So have come up with this plan - naps on the weekends and days off!

So today is Saturday, thus this means that right now I should just be waking up from my afternoon nap.

But I am not.

It is not that I even woke up a bit early from my nap or something nice like that.

No - I am in the lab - very much missing my nap...

Sunday - I will have a nap!!!

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