
16 January 2004

So after being gone for a few days I am back. It really was not anything that I could control - a short trip to the hospital and then at home between the bed and sofa with lots of pain meds - I am feeling much better - I was a bit upset that I was banned from work for a day and was only allowed to come in to work today as there is not a lot to do today other than celebrating Wonderboy's birthday at lunch with the whole lab and then going to happy hour and dinner with Phil and Wonderboy...it is funny when I actually said Wonderboy's name last night to Abby (when she called from Fl) she had no clue who he was - and finally when I said "Wonderboy" she knew...poor thing - he will now have to start calling himself Wonderboy...Other than that - not too much planned for the weekend other than some cleaning and resting.
Oh and a PSA for all of you out there - Beware - be VERY aware of Med Students - when I got to the hospital the other day I had one - he was not really sure what to do or ask other than try to ask me out - all I can say is that after an exam like the one that I got - I would never allow him to touch me in anyway again! Is there a nice way to say that?

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