
31 January 2004

Thoughts of Love... 

So yesterday, I wrote about how much I love NY.
But there are a few other cities that I love too. I love the city that grew up in (okay the city that I grew up just out side of). The city that an ex use to live in, it is the city that most reminds me of the one I grew up in, but a little bit different. And of course I love the city that I now live in.
I miss what it use to be.
I remember when I first came here, things were very different. The year was 1996 and it was hotter than hell when I moved into my first dorm room. (My rooming situation ended being from hell too, but that is another story for another day).
What brought this one you may ask. I got up this morning, the kitten actually let me sleep in this morning, turned on the coffee pot, fed the kitten, and got The Post from the hallway. I poured myself a cup of coffee, added my fat free 1/2 & 1/2 (same # of carbs and same taste as regular but with out the fat, always a good thing), added some splenda, and sat down at the table to read.
I got through all of the regular sections and then started going through the plastic package of all of ads and weekend edition extras. The post magazine this week took a look back at D.C. when it was still segregated and the lives of Blacks (African Americas, if you would rather) in D.C. through a photo essay. While the time in our nation's history before and during the civil rights movement is a sad one- in many ways things were so much simpler. It was a theme that kept on coming up.
I sat there just looking and reading about people's lives at that time. It made me really miss how much simpler things were before we had to think about terror and war all of the time.
No longer are we allowed/able to
-climb up the capitol steps at any hour
-walk around the mall and monuments late into the night after all of the tourists have left
-Swim in the fountains on those nights in the summer when the air is so heavy that you think that you may never be able to breathe again

There are so many more things that I miss in this city. These are some of the reasons why I fell in love with city, and all of the odd things that happen here. I mean, how many other cities get their streets closed down just because the president wants some McDonald fries at 6:00 pm, on a Friday?
The saddest part, new comers, visitors, etc will never know those freedoms.
The beauty of the city in August after most are in bed will have to live in my memory, as it is something that I, or anyone else, will ever see again.

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