
12 January 2004

Too early in the morning... 

So after not being able to fall asleep and stay that way last night (very strange dreams to say the least - but then again I always worry when someone I love is traveling, and Ab's will be gone for THREE MONTHS!!) I got out of bed at 5:00 am to get ready to drive Ab to the airport. But at least I will be able to see her in a month when I go down there for our very special girls only weekend for V-day! So after dropping her off at the airport - Lara and I went had breakfast at the 18th Street Diner.

The following conversation then happened which got me to thinking that maybe at breakfast, too much caffeine and too little sleep are not good conversation starters...

Conversation #1:

L: "God if I was leaving the area or the country, I know who I would fool around with."
S: "Why would you want to leave the area/country after just having just fooled around once if it was THAT good?"

Conversation #2:
L: "You know it has been three years since I have had a serious relationship."
S: "It has not been three years!"
L: "Okay two and half years, in...ahh..Two months!"
S: "Three years is not two and half years in two months."

Conversation #3:
L: "You lead a very strange life you know."
S: "Why would you say that?"
L: "Our friends call you up to tell you that they are able to watch your ex do 'personal things' while they are on the street and he is in his apartment as he does not close the blinds."
S: "According to our friends, it is not just them watching - it's the whole neighborhood - but knowing my ex, I think that he likes it."

And we wondered why the waiter was running away from our table most of the morning...Now that I am at work thinking back on it - maybe there was a very good reason why the waiter was keeping away from us...

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