
11 February 2004

Down with the Post!!!! 

So I am not sure why everyone in the world (free or not) has been looking up Roto Viruses and then clicking on my site. This week, thus far I have had about 10 hits! It is getting to be crazy. I am going to stop posting these hits as it is just getting redundant, and I do not wish to tire my dear readers this repeat link theme.
Also – after Jules threatened to turn me in to her Mother and Mike’s “Oh My” comments on some other hits that I have gotten – I will not post any more “questionable” material (unless it is really odd or funny). Jules – I know that John and Joan love me. With John I know that I took a really hard major in college, and with Joan, well there is that whole drinking at the Times senior year with our mothers…light weights!
Info on the Times: 14 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 Phone: 202-543-5433
The Post says: “The Irish Times has been a favorite watering hole for university students and Capitol Hill residents alike, but pretty much anyone could appreciate its Old World feel.”
(Here is something odd; I got some hits from University of Copenhagen’s Health (services?) Department yesterday…of course it was not on topics that we can talk about here!)

I must complain about some thing here. You can no longer just click away on the Post’s website – you now have to sign in…bastards! So much for my links that I did use for their site….but they will be the ones that suffer…no more free advertising from me on my site for them…oh and their paper (boy/man) has been delivering my paper late! It has been showing up after 7:30 am the last few days…like that is expectable…I get up at 6:00 am, drink my coffee and read the Style and the Metro sections (and sometimes the A section too)…I have been lost without my paper…what do they expect me to read?…Damn them!!! I have been sitting at the dinning room table totally lost…

Also – I started to make piles last night of my laundry. I decided to dig out the sock from under the bed…the Kitten was not happy about this and decided that he was going to take the sock back…the sock will now live in the cavern of the kitten…as my hands and foot (yes, he knows which one) can not take the attacks anymore…I wonder what it is with that particular sock?

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