
20 February 2004


It is finally Friday. Now I know that I should not really complain as Monday was a holiday and I had a fabulous time in Tampa last week, but I am really worn out! (The fact that the kitten woke me up at 5:30 am today is not helping). The weather outside is warm (it is going to be in the mid-50's here today in the Nation's Capitol) and it is very sunny! I am looking forward to getting out of the lab sometime in the early afternoon, going home and taking a nice nap with the windows open and God will not be able to help those teenagers if they are skateboard/screaming outside my window again!
Tonight! I am very excited! An around the world party at Jen's place! And yes, we all remember what happened at the last one that I was at in college...i.e. The night I thought that dying would be easier than having my body process all of that alcohol...Tonight, I will behave! I have borrowed a lovely silk kimono from a co-worker that is from Japan. I never knew that there were so many layers and details that went into wearing one! I have promised my mother that we will take pictures for her, maybe I can get Dave to upload them to the radio website for all to see...
I have no real plans as of yet for Saturday, I am sure that something will come up...
Sunday is the final episode for Sex and the City! I am sure that I will be on the phone with Kate afterwards doing a recap! Kate The Theme (my numbers are set for the theme of "Sex and the City" on Kate's phone) If things do not work out the way Kate wants them to, she has threatened that HBO maybe canceled come Monday morning...HBO - Watch out! But, the general feeling (in the media) is that Carrie will end up with Big...But the real question for me is "Will we find out Big's real name?" I also must point out that I am a bit upset that HBO is releasing season 6 in two parts. The regular season will be on one set, and the "bonus sex" will be in another edition. With all of the other seasons, the "bonus sex" was included in the set. The exception to this was in the 5th season where they tried to rip us off by making us pay the normal price for just 12 episodes as they cut the season short due to Sarah Jessica Parker's pregnancy. Thankfully, I wait until the frenzy has died down a bit, and then hit good old e-bay for an American edition that is new at a discounted price. I am going to wait a bit and see if they release a "complete 6th season" set...I just hope no matter what the outcome, that they give us all a chance to see the alternate endings on the DVD...That way, even if Kate is not pleased with the ending that they show, she will be able to view the ending that she wants, anytime she wants it!!!

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