02 February 2004
Groundhog Day!
Being that I am from the wonderful Commonwealth of PA – I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Groundhog Day! I also thought that I would give you all that have never been to Punxsutawney, PA a little tour. And yes, Goundhog Day is much like how it is shown in the movie...it is a really crazy time...
Here is where it is located in the Commonwealth (and yes, we are a Commonwealth not a State, Kathleen (she's from the Commonwealth of MA) will totally understand this difference):
Here is where Punxsutawney Phil Lives:
And here is a picture of the Man of the Day Himself (with one of his servents, of course)!
Isn’t he just too cute?
Here is where it is located in the Commonwealth (and yes, we are a Commonwealth not a State, Kathleen (she's from the Commonwealth of MA) will totally understand this difference):

Here is where Punxsutawney Phil Lives:

And here is a picture of the Man of the Day Himself (with one of his servents, of course)!

Isn’t he just too cute?