
06 February 2004

I am... 

From tiny_piano's (livejournal) site. Thanks!

I am: my own person.
I love: my life - including the ups and downs of it - it helps me to be become a better person in the end.
I hate: intolerance.
I fear: fear.
I hope: for everything.
I hear: through the filters that I have made.
I crave: answers to my questions.
I regret: nothing.
I cry: when I feel like it.
I care: about many different things (and sometimes they conflict.)
I always: make my bed everyday.
I believe: in a higher power and Karma.
I feel alone: when I am frustrated.
I listen: when I am spoken to or when I think someone needs to talk.
I hide: after a very long day. (but the Kitten at least almost always finds me!)
I drive: with the windows down, the music up, and my eyes on the road.
I sing: when I feel like it.
I write: daily.
I run: (with the exception of the past week or so) almost everyday!
I miss: people and places from the past.
I learn: everyday!
I feel: loved.
I know: many things.
I say: what I think needs to be said.
I succeed: always! (Even in failure, you can succeed!)
I dream: deeply.
I wonder: constantly (it is a cool bonus of being a scientist)!
I want: security.
I have: many things.
I give: to others.
I receive: affirmations of love and support from those around me.
I fight: only when I have to.
I need: sleep.

Now if you wish clip and past this into your own journal as well as in my comments and I'll do the same for you! (see I even made it easy for you!)

I am:
I love:
I hate:
I fear:
I hope:
I hear:
I crave:
I regret:
I cry:
I care:
I always:
I believe:
I feel alone:
I listen:
I hide:
I drive:
I sing:
I write:
I run:
I miss:
I learn:
I feel:
I know:
I say:
I succeed:
I dream:
I wonder:
I want:
I have:
I give:
I receive:
I fight:
I need:

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