
27 February 2004


So yes, as Mike has pointed out for all of us yesterday, I never made it to posting as I was at home in bed all day. I hate being sick. I really do. This cold is going to kill me I think. I am on major decongestants that have already started to dry out my skin. The Skin on my lips, hands and toes are already showing the signs of dehydration even though I have been drinking a ½ gallon + of water since starting them! The person responsible for my cold has been hearing about it since he got into work…and I am so damn nice to him too! I even bring him leftovers when I cook as he does not get to cook much with his PhD/MD program…and what does he give me in return? Love? No! A nasty, nasty, nasty cold! Men! I sometimes wonder why we keep them around…
So this weekend…Let’s see…Tonight over to the radio show – I think that I am going to stop by the store on the way home so that I can pick up a few things that I’ll need for Sunday…Saturday – I think that I’ll go out in the afternoon and spend the time at a coffee shop as the weather is going to be very nice…Saturday night – cleaning up the place for Sunday…Sunday – get up and get ready for Sunday night when Jeanie and Matt will be coming over for dinner and to watch the Oscars…if anyone wants to join us, let me know so that I can make enough food for dinner…back to work…I have a lecture at Noon and a few things to do before then…

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