
17 February 2004

To market, to market... 

Well - I am back in the cold weather of D.C.
Joy of Joys...
I thought about not coming into work today after getting up at 4:30am - but I did...
I will admit though - it is nice to see everyone again.
Pretty much everyone has commented on my lovely red colouring from my weekend in Florida.
the following conversation has now happened a few times:
Person: "Looks like someone got burnt! Why didn't you put sun screen on?"
Me: "I did!"
Person: "Oh...Maybe you should have had a higher number or put it on more often."
Me: "Sorry, every few hours and a high SPF still ='s Sandi getting burnt!"

Damn Irish and Eastern European genes!!!!

I think that I hear my tissue culture cells calling to me!
I cannot wait to get back to my place tonight and see the kitten...I have missed him a lot this weekend!

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