
03 March 2004

bite me! 

I ended up getting into work late as I had to go see my GP about the sinus infection - which is getting better – but I still wanted to talk to her about the pain (the one that sent me to the hospital awhile back) as it is still there – not as bad as it was that one time, but not exactly the most comfortable feeling to say the least. So we agreed that I should go back to see a specialist that I had seen awhile ago…no problem. I told her that I would call her with him info today. So I got into work and got some things done – my sequences look pretty good, very exciting! – And then I got down to looking up that other doctors number. I finally found it and tried to call the nurse to leave the info as requested by my GP. Instead after being hung up on, transferred 5 times, I got Amanda. It took her 10 minutes to get the message (a name and phone number) correct as she was too busy playing doctor to me. Checking to see what I had been in to see my doctor this morning about, and then told me that she was reading MY medical chart and started commenting on it!!! I flipped to say the least…she admited to me, after I questioned her, that she has no mendical training, no medical degree, or at least is she a RN/LPN - and she is asking if MY medical decision - ones that I have made along with my doctors were the right ones...Where the hell does she get off? I like my GP but the health care company that she works for sucks!!! And Amanda's boss will be getting a nice letter from me!
Sorry about the late posting Michael…but I had work and a few meeting this afternoon…but I am staying late just so you can have your daily read…

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