
05 March 2004

dinning out... 

Okay, so I guess that I have a few things to explain. I did not write yesterday as I was busy praying that my head did not explode…and then praying that it would so that the pain would just go away. In other words, I had a migraine. I got up when the kitten alarm went off and my head was a little sore. I made my coffee, got the post from the hallway, read it, drank the coffee and then started to read a few papers about –863A/C mutation and the ramifications on disease status and outcome…before I knew it…it was almost 8:30 am! Now, usually by that time – I am on the Metro and on my way to work…I called work and let then know that I would be in, but that I was running a bit late. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and it just hit me…the tummy was not happy the head got VERY unhappy and I knew that I was finished. I ended up calling into work saying that I would not be in…now I have medicine that I can take for the migraines, and when I take it, I am better in about an hour or so…not bad. But! Here’s the problem with the medicine…I have to have someone around me when I take the medicine as it is a shot that quickly expands my blood vessels, I have to have someone around, just incase the medicine causes bleeding etc…I have not been able to teach the kitten how to dial 911 as of yet, so I could not take that wonderful medicine, so I took something else that just kind of knocks me out so that the migraine can run it’s course…The kitten was very good, he checked on me every once in awhile and gave me licks and cuddled with me all day…
So, today I am feeling much better, my head has that “the day after a migraine feeling” but otherwise – things are pretty good.

Okay, I promised that I would explain to Mike how it is not possible for me to be pregnant…
Sex…Sex…Sex…isn’t that the way most women get pregnant? It’s fun, it’s exercise, it’s something that most people enjoy – right? I waited much longer than many people to experience this “life event”. It was something that just kind of happened one night with a guy that I was dating and who was also “inexperienced” in this area. We had talked about it for about a month before hand in detail, talked it to death – and then things just happened one night…I felt like it was the right time – he had been stating that it was right time…and well… I don’t regret it…It was not just some random guy. It was someone that I loved and loved me. Maybe it is the reason that one night stand sex, random sex, many partners just does not feel comfortable to me. For others, if it works, that’s great for me…but it something that I just have not been able to get into.
The following is an actual conversation that I had with a guy one night about the whole situation, which now has become the standard that the guys I date get judged on. Dave always ask me if a guy can be considered up to the either the “appetizer or dinner standard”
Him: “Why do you not want to?”
Me: “I just don’t want to.”
H: “You don’t like me? You don’t want me? You just don’t like it?”
M (laughing): “No, I like you. It’s not that I am not interested in trying new things with you or that I do not like it…okay here…let me explain it this way…You know when you find a really great restaurant. It serves all of the best food. It has a great atmosphere. And when it comes time for dinning out, all you think about is THAT restaurant. You want no other restaurant. Now, if you live near that restaurant and you pass it but cannot go in and eat at that restaurant for some reason or another - you get upset. I want to be able to eat my favorite restaurant pretty much whenever I want. Or if that restaurant wants me to dine there, say it is serving up something special – I want that restaurant to want me to be the one that the special is for. I also want no other people to be dining at that restaurant. I want that restaurant to cater to me and dinning needs, I will do the same for it.”
H (smiling): “Did you ever think about calling up the restaurant and asking for reservations? And maybe you could get calls from the restaurant for reservations. Did you think about that?”
M: “But can the restaurant assure me that no one else will be dinning there?”
H: “If you really wanted it that way, and the restaurant agreed, it could be arranged. I think that I know a restaurant that is looking for a long-term reservation. ”
M: “I will have to think about that, as I fully admit, have been sampling appetizers at other restaurants, so I have to give some thoughts about the restaurant that I enjoy the most. Which restaurant is likely going to stay open and is looking for a long-term reservation. I don’t want to have to worry about having dinner at too many restaurants. Also, if the restaurant that I pick, I want that restaurant to want my want only my reservation. Does that make sense to you?”
H: “Okay, but would you consider trying this restaurant’s appetizers again? You don’t have to say for dinner, but you could take the edge off your hunger.”

God… the appetizers were very nice at that restaurant…I never sampled the full course, and I am happy with that decision…I know that at some point there will be a restaurant that I will enjoy dinning at, and I know that my appetite will not have been ruined by having eaten dinner at restaurant that is sub par…

Mike – Just for your peace of mind, I’ll keep you posted on the “appetizer/dinner” standard of the restaurants that I go out to visit…how does that sound?

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