
08 March 2004

Family disapointment.... 

I knew that it had been way to long.
I had not heard the line for about 3 months.
She called last night and left a message asking me to call her back either that night or in the morning before I left for work.
I don’t know why I did it.
I don’t know why I did not wait until I got home tonight from work.
At least then, I could call someone up and ask that they come over for a drink or I could have called Kate and we could have a drink together (long distance) while I ranted.
But called this morning I did…I was late for work because of the line and the latest plea.
I should know better that there is no such thing as a short phone conversation with her.

Who is this person you may be asking yourself at this point.

It is my grandmother in Florida.

The line in question: “You know you are not getting any younger, and you need to settle down so that you can have babies. You know, my mother lived to see two of her Great-Grandchildren. You are my own hope as Alex[andria] just turned 13 this year. So, when are you going to settle down and start having babies? You are beautiful! Why don't you just settle down? Don't you want to settle down?”

She has decided (along with her friends at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) who are in the same situation with their grandchildren) that I need support. Her suggestion: internet dating. She has been on this kick for a while now. She sends me flyers when she see them for things like “e-mode”, “Match.com”, and of course “J-Date.com”.

The best quote of this morning:

“Don’t go to bars! Men you’ll meet in bars only have sex on their minds. They are only looking for one thing! You know what that is? It’s sex! Yes! Men in bars are only thinking about meeting women for sex! Men in bars are always very sexually aggressive! This is why you need to start Internet dating!” (I asked her to slow down while talking so that I could get every word – I told her that I was going to write this up for all of my friends that may be tempted to go out to a bar and then (gasp!) except a date from a guy that they may meet there).

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