
09 March 2004

spring is in the air! 

Okay…today’s posting…not much going on. I had to write up the weekly WDAVRadio.com column which is always fun. I was going to do it on personal ad’s, but I ended up doing on another topic due to a conversation that is on going on a different site. I ended up slicing open my ring and pinky fingers on my right hand as someone in the lab that shall remain nameless left the plate sitting out with the broken edge up and towards people. Needless today, my fingers are very bandaged right now and I had to cut the tips of some gloves off to protect the bandages, so I am not really able to type that fast right now. But at least this happened after I finished this week’s article. I have noticed an increasing number of bud casings on the ground and yesterday they announced that the cherry blossoms will be in peak bloom from the 27th of March until the 3rd of April and that they should last until the 7th of April. (For all of those that are not familiar with cherry blossoms – they are SO beautiful!!! They are white and pink…oh so pretty!) But of course then the blossoms pop, something else does too…the tourists…but that is a rant for another day!
To make up for the diagram of the female reproductive system, here is a picture of our beautiful blossoms that will be here soon!

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