
01 March 2004


Well it is almost lunchtime here in D.C. on a beautiful Monday and I am ready for a nap. But sadly, I am at work so there will be no nap for this afternoon! I have set up my sequencing reaction – but I have not decided if I will do it today or wait until Tuesday to actually run it. I am still thinking about it…Last night Jeanie and Matt came over for dinner and to watch the Oscars. I made a pork tender loin with apples, hot applesauce, creamed spinach and tomato risotto, a salad with a mustard vinaigrette and then for dessert we had freshly made banana’s foster, Godiva chocolates and girl scout caramels (we all agreed, the girl scouts should stick to making cookies). It was enough to render us all in to a food/sugar coma…but I do think that everyone enjoyed themselves and at least ate well…
Lets see…what else did I do this weekend…I cried over “Forest Gump”…wanted to kick myself for it afterwards…cleaned my place up pretty much all day on Sunday before everyone came over…went for a little run…caught up (on the phone) with Andrea and Donna – but not with Kate, oh well I am sure that I’ll talk to her this week…over not too exciting of a weekend over all…but they can be nice every once in awhile!

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