
14 April 2004


I got back to my place last night at 10:30 due to an ill passenger on the Metro. A man had a seizure on my train (but not the same car) and everyone had to be off loaded and they moved us to the other side so that Metro was using only one rail from Metro Center to Union Station. As were all crowded in like cattle in the stock yard, the passenger recovered and we were told that we could go back to the proper side of the tracks and re-load onto the Metro…Trust me, I am glad that he is better – but it was just the whole mixed up plans thing after a very long day. The Kitten was very upset with me for being so late…excuses don’t fly with him!

I went to the post office this morning to send in my State Tax Return (and to part with a painful amount of money). I am glad that I went this morning and did not wait until the last day that it can be postmarked. After I had finished my transaction I tanked the woman behind the counter and wished her a good day and tomorrow (as I said that I am sure that it will be crazy with everyone rushing). She smiled at me and told me that I made her day as people are usually nasty and mean after having waited in line, and I had been so patient and nice when her computer crashed and it took 10 minutes to do a simple transaction that should have only taken a moment. I told her that she made my day by telling me that. It is nice to know that when you try to be pleasant to others, that there are people who notice it, as to the ones that are just nasty no mater what you do!

I called into work to let them know that I was (finally) on my way into work and popped down the stairs to the Metro. I was reading “Bridget Jones – The Edge of Reason” while I awaited my train. When it arrived in the station, I closed the book and waited for the people to get off the train before I (and about 50 of my closest “friends”) got on. As I was getting on a man (older middle aged) rushed past me to get off the train and said “O! Good book! She gets her good man in the end, just like you will too!”

I am not sure what to make of that comment…but I guess it is good and I’ll take it…right?

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