
15 April 2004

Come back to me!!! 

I have had one of those days. I have lost a bunch of DNA samples some where in one of the –20C freezers and so I’ll have to re-grow the bacteria and then harvest their DNA - Thus I’ll be starting pretty much from scratch…I am none to happy about this, but what am I going to?

I have been thinking for a few weeks now, that I was missing one of my –20C boxes but could not remember what was in it - Now (of course) I remember - It had all of my PCR reagents along with all of my DNA samples that I need…damn it!
I guess it was a good thing that my sequencing gel did not pour out correctly this morning; I have no DNA that can be run on it anyway!

I also spent a few hours this afternoon trying to figure out the difference between two groups of tubes. They are labeled in a similar fashion (they were call had code numbers on the tops), but I knew that they were different. After (finally) consulting my notebook, I figured out the difference – not only are they from two different dates (I knew that from the tubes themselves) but also they are two different projects! One group of tubes are just DNA that I have purified from cell lines as I’ll need it to mutate at a later date and the other group of tubes are from the DNA that has ALREADY been mutated…Oy Vey!

One of the other students has been looking for the DNA that he purified today. He left it in a 1.5 ml (unlabeled) tube on a bench and now it is missing. I told him that if he does not find it I’ll re-do his prep next week when I do my own…he was pleased with the offer, but still pretty pissed that it is missing. (He is walking around kicking the trashcans and looking everywhere right now. He was just standing over me looking down my front. And no, he was not looking down my shirt (okay, maybe he was) but her was checking out the pockets of my lab coat - just in case I decided to pull a VIP (vial in pocket). When I am finished writing/posting this I am going to take him out for some ice cream to make his day a bit better!)

It seems like everyone is just losing his or her DNA around here today…

I am looking forward to next week when almost everyone will be gone to a conference! It will be nice and peaceful around here and much more relaxed.

As to the weekend, I am not sure what I’ll be doing. I was invited to parties on both Friday and Saturday nights…but I am not sure if I’ll be going. My friend Lisa asked me if I might want to go out for dinner or something this weekend. I use to work with here, but got a new job closer to her house, 15 minute commute now -vs- 1.5 HOUR commute each way when she was here - I can totally understand why she left! She too is from the Main Line & Western Suburbs of Philly, which is very nice!

Other than that, not much is going on. The weather has finally started to clear up around here! I was SO happy to wake up this morning and to find out that the nasty weather has moved on. I think that maybe on Sunday I’ll walk up to the coffee house/bagel place and have breakfast out on the patio while I read my paper! Monday they say it is going to be in the low 80’s! Summer, here I come!!!!

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