
20 April 2004

Heat and tempers.... 

The Kitten has been behaving better as of late. But it is only because it has been too hot for him to misbehave. When I get back from my trips he NEEDS to go get his “summer shave down”. Now, Dave and I clipped him last year, which The Kitten did not like - at first. Much of his beautiful 4-inch long hair was trimmed down to about an inch to an inch and a half – he did not like the look (and to be frank, neither did we) but The Kitten soon came to like the coolness of the shorter hair. But Dave and I were never able to all of the hair trimmed and, well it was not exactly what we had been going for in the first place, we’ll leave it at that he looked like some kind of rabies crazed animal…a cute one…but one with rabies…So this year I have spent time talking to groomers. It was not that easy to find a groomer that was willing to do a cat, even though he has no (front) claws…but finally I have found one and we will be making an appointment to see her when I get back for a “Lion Cut”…We will be keeping his face fur and tail nice and bushy, but the rest of it is going. After the past few days of sitting in front of the fan and playing with ice cubes, I am sure that he will be happy with his new “cooler” hair cut, plus I will not be the one (or Dave) that will be suffering from kitten bites…

So on Thursday morning I’ll be off to Florida (Fort Lauderdale to be exact) as my grandfather has had (another) heart attack. This was caused by a lack of communications between his cardiologist and his oncologist and the subsequent drug interaction…

****RANT****Okay people, we have programs where you can type in medicines and it will alert you to interactions…these programs were designed for a reason and you need to start using them…you have MD after your name – live up to it!!!!****End Rant****

He seems to be doing better and has asked me to come down and help him out for a bit, so that is where I’ll be. I then have to go back up to PA and hang out with Aunt Beth while my mother is on her first Aunt Beth free vacation in about 5 years…so I may not be posting as regularly as usually for the next two weeks or so…pin the mean time, I have much to do here at work before I head off…all of these 12+ hours work days are starting to kill me…

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