
02 April 2004

Its the weekend! 

I could not believe that it was finally Friday this morning when I woke up. I have been waiting for Friday all week, as Friday would mean that Saturday was almost here! I have been waiting to sleep in for so long at this point. (I know, it is really silly, but we all need something!) Saturdays are the only days that I can sleep in and considering my schedule, I’ll be missing out on my “Sleep in Saturdays” for many weekends to come! When all of my crazy travel weekends are over, I am planning on going back to waiting tables every other weekend in the summer.

This weekend there is nothing much going on. I was planning on going over to the radio show this weekend when Dave said that we would be having it, but considering that I am not going to get out of the lab tonight until well after 8:00 pm tonight, and I still have to go to the food store for a few things. Sadly, I think that I am going to bail on showing up live for the show tonight and will have to do a call in.

I am going to start teaching cooking lessons on Saturday. He swears he is not sorry that he is not going out to watch the final four as his liver needs a break…how come I have a feeling that if he is still over when the Games start, we’ll be watching them? ;) The first lesson – cookies! I have figured that mosaic and finger print cookies would be good ones to start with as they are both pretty easy to make, they are colourful (as they for Easter), and they are really good! I have promised Abs that there will be cookies’ waiting for her when she gets back Friday night and Kate has also asked for cookies to be sent to her…

Lara has asked to stay at my place while I am in PA for the weekend as it is the same weekend that Abs will be back and she wants Nick and Abs to have some time alone after being apart (with the exception of short visits) for three months.

Sunday, I really don’t have anything plan. I have to remember to set the clocks ahead before going to bed on Saturday night so that I can wake up in time for CBS Sunday Morning!

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