
19 April 2004

My views... 

I know that you are all just SO excited!

Abortion?:Not for me thank you, but I’ll let others make up their own minds. Late term, no need for it – go ahead and ban it.
Death Penalty?:What ever happened to “hard labor for criminals and not mothers"? I say that we should bring back chain gangs! Either that or we could start a “Prometheus bound” movement. Now that would be a deterrent!
Prostitution?:It’s illegal (w/the exception of Nevada) and people still pay for it and are in the trade. Make it legal, taxable and safer for all parties involved!
Alcohol?:If you are old enough to vote, drive, buy and shoot a gun and die for your country, then you should be allowed to have a drink before our lovely President sends you out to the mine fields!
Marijuana?:No reason for it! We have it in synthetic forms for use without all of the bad crap in it!
Other drugs?:No need...
Gay marriage?:Why should gays and lesbians be happier than the heterosexuals? Make marriage only a religious ceremony. For all people weddings preformed by someone other than a religious cleric - call it a civil union!
Illegal immigrants?:Now, we could talk all day on this one...but the long and the short, if you are not “allowed” to be here, whatever the reason – go home!
Smoking?:Fine, do what you like, but other than Aunt Beth not in my house. She's 90! If you are 90, you would be allowed too smoke in my house too!, …
Drunk driving?:No patience for it. Take away their car and their license…too bad. From my father “Driving is a privilege, not a right!”
Cloning?:If that is really what you want to do. A person is who they are due to personal life experiences, not just genetics…
Racism?:Once again, no patience for it…
Premarital sex?:"Love the one you're with"
Religion?:"Reach out and touch faith. Your own personal Jesus" - Depeche Mode
The war in Iraq?:Wrong...Just so wrong...Yes, he needed to go, but then again so does Bush....
Bush?:See above
Downloading music?:I am lucky I can check my e-mail and update my journal at work! Let us not push it!
The legal drinking age?:Ummm…isn’t this redundant? You what to know what (age) it is? The law says 21!
Porn?:Doesn;t do it for me, but if you like it, go for it!
Suicide?:Not for me. It leaves a whole lot of problems afterwards...

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