
16 April 2004

Warm Weather! Ahhh! 

Things are beautiful here in D.C. this morning. Not much to report other than seeing Leslie Stall kissing Allen Greenspan good bye this morning at the top of the Du Pont North Metro! I was waiting to cross the street when I heard I voice that was just SO familiar! I turned around and it took me a few moments to figure out whom these people were! He was so cute! She was talking and he was just standing their ready to kiss her! Finally she said that she would call him later on at work, he nodded and then kissed her…oh so very cutely…and then wondered off down the street with his brief case.

There really is not much going on here at work today. There are just a few odds and ends to clean up today here in the lab. I am thinking that it may be an early day for me as the weather is just beautiful. No real plans as of yet for the weekend, I am just going to wait and see how it plays out. I am really looking forward to Monday (I know! Monday?!) as the weather will be in the low 80’s! Perfect! Summer is on its way!

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