
14 May 2004

Back on March second, I had awoken early and decided to just get up and start my day. As I was sitting at the dinning room table drinking my coffee and reading The Post. Suddenly the Kitten started to make noises and was trying to get into the window. I put down the paper and walked over to the window to see what was going on. There was a morning dove sitting on the ledge, and she had been attacked at some point by another animal, a cat I assume - as there are a number of wild ones around my place. I called the local animal; rescue groups and they took my name, address, and phone and said that they would try to find someone to come over and capture her. I put out a bowl of breadcrumbs and another of water for her - locked up the Kitten (he was very displeased about it) and went back to my paper. Every once in awhile she would coo. When she did that I would just coo back at her. She drank some of her water and picked at her breakfast and then took a nap. A bit later she cooed once more and then took off. Right after that Rita called me to tell me about my Grandfather.

When I was down in Florida, I picked a bunch of mangos from my Grandfather’s tree. It is something that I do every time I am down there and it is “Mango Season”.
The ones that picked we not ripe and according to my Grandfather would need at least a few weeks before they were perfect. I put them in a brown bag out of the heat as he instructed me to do. They have not ripened at all. Instead they are rotting away. I have never seen his mangos do this before.

Just as I finished writing this entry, my Father called me to tell me that my Grandfather died. I feel as if in some way, these were all signs...

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