
18 May 2004


Just when I have gotten over my case of poison ivy and old nemesis has decided to rear its ugly head…ear infections. I got water in my ear on Friday night as I was trying to wash the henna out of my hair not an easy thing to do, trust me.
I have called the doctors office and am STILL awaiting a call back…
Other than that, things are going pretty good. I actually got my sequences to work after two weeks of trouble shooting and many blank gels. It was one of those things where I checked every step of the procedure and all of the steps worked, but when it was put together it didn’t. I actually have to rerun the samples today as it worked too well and the signals were too strong ands were bleeding into one another. But I would rather have that than nothing at all.
Ummm…I really don’t think anything else is going on…it is kind of a lazy day here in the lab…just a bunch of catch up work…if anything else comes up, I’ll let you know!

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