
03 June 2004

As I was leaving work last night, all I could think about how I hoped that my ride home was not another repeat performance of Tuesday night’s trip home.
(Long story short, when the Metro pulled up to my stop the door would not open, the emergence doors would not open and the emergency call box did not work. The train car still had working lights and air, but no way out. Finally someone, outside of the car on the train platform, got the attention the train car driver, and he eventually got us out of the car by pushing buttons at the next stop. And then of course, we had a resident crazy with us on the train that was flipping out the whole time – and no, I am not just being mean…he had been cursing and swearing to himself the whole ride before hand and when we got stuck in the car he just lost it…).
Anyway, I did not get stuck on the Metro again, and walked back to my place dreaming of a short nap before I started in on a bunch of household cleaning duties. I walked into my place and gave some pets to The Kitten, and he was just not himself. He was walking very close to the ground and not really “talking” to me. When I went to pick him up he cried out and started to growl. Very strange! I put him back down and started to make him dinner. When I walked past him to put it down, he hissed at me!! As he ate his dinner he continued to growl and whine. Not good to say the least! As I walked towards him, he hissed again and crawled (Really! He was not walking!) under the bed. I decided right then that it was time to call the Vet, and of course it was almost 9:00 pm! The Vet’s office was closed, as I expected, but I did get the number of the emergence clinic. I called Abs and she agreed to take us over to see the doctor. (I am very grateful to her for doing this for us, but I must say that it is times like this that it really sucks that I do not have a car down here!) After a few hours at the vet’s office ($80.00 to just see the doctor!) it was decided that he had a UTI (Male cats are VERY prone to them, and I thought that he was getting enough water, but I guess not!) and needed a few days of antibiotics and other meds. After signing over my first-born child as payment, we were finally ready to head home. All of the nurses and the doctor commented on what a good baby he was! See, even when he is sick, everyone loves him! When we got home; I gave him some wet food with extra water added. He will be getting wet food at every meal until we go back to see out normal vet next week. Some how I don’t think that the Kitten is going to have a problem with this, as he LOVES wet food days (Sundays and Wednesdays). I woke up a few times during the night to check on him, and he was not sleeping on “his side” of the bed. I think getting on and off the bed was just too much for him last night, so he knocked the hamper over and slept on all of the clothing, which usually I would not allow, but I figured that since he was sick he would be allowed to have a few extra freedoms.
This morning as soon as the alarm went off there was the fluff ball hopping on me waiting for me to get up so that he could have breakfast. I guess he is feeling better, now if I could only get him to take his medicine without a fight…

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