
30 June 2004


Okay, so after disappearing for a few days things have settled down (somewhat) to the point where I have a bit of time…
The weekend was extended by a day as I went to PA to stay with Aunt Beth while my Mother and “Aunts” went “Down the Shore” for the weekend, so I did not leav eto come back to D.C. until Monday morning – and then it was straight to work and it has been crazy ever since.
I had gotten a phone call on Sunday from one of the grad students telling me that our –80 centigrade freezer was dying. He wanted to know if I needed anything saved from it that was not on the bottom shelf. (The Bottom shelf is always used for items that are really temperature dependent such as competent cells, Fetal Bovine Serum, and cells…thankfully I pretty much keep every thing on the bottom shelf. Other than that – it is the usual crazy stuff around here. Even though I will be in the lab this weekend - to see how the freezers (-20) are defrosting and then if they are kicking back down to temp - it will be nice. KD is having a party at her place this weekend for the holiday and as a going away as she will be leaving to start work in NYC by the end of the month. And yes Mike, I’ll be at the radio show this weekend!

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