
21 June 2004

I enjoyed my weekend. The goal was to enjoy the weekend and relax, I can say that I most definitely accomplished that goal.
Friday night, I went to see the lead singer from Toad the Wet Sprocket open up for five for fighting which one of the other grad students had invited me out for…so I went. Saturday I spent the afternoon and the night with KD just hanging out and enjoying spending time with one another before she moves on to NYC next month. Yesterday, I sat by the pool reading and sunning my self...and of course, now my chest is totally burnt…but at least the pain has gone away after a nice vinegar bath and a dose of Noxzema .
So I will not be around for the next few days. I have some exploratory surgery that needs to get done, so I will soon be at home enjoying the pain meds and far away from internet access…I hope everyone have a pleasant week!

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